Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sydney meeting - guest speaker announced

The next meeting of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum is scheduled for April 8th. The guest speaker has been announced: he is arguably the best member of the Australian parliament, Senator Cory Bernardi.

It's a great chance to hear things from an insider to the parliamentary process. And I'd also encourage Sydney readers to attend to help maintain the current momentum of the traditionalist movement. We're starting to organise on the ground now in a number of countries (I noticed for instance that the Traditional Britain Group is launching a London branch on 27th April.)

You can get details on how to attend by clicking the link I've placed on the sidebar.


  1. I am a keen reader of this blog and some of the views presented, although not necessarily the politics.

    I was very surprised that you made the claim that Cory Bernardi is perhaps the best politican in Canberra. You must have a low opinion of all of them! I was also surprised because I do not remember you mentioning him in the past. I stand to be corrected on this.

    Savvas Tzionis

  2. "I was very surprised that you made the claim that Cory Bernardi is perhaps the best politican [sic] in Canberra. You must have a low opinion of all of them!"

    ... yes, very drôle ...

    Bernardi's value resides in the fact that:

    (a) He is capable of taking an unliberal position on a particular social/political controversy;
    (b) He does not cower in the face of liberal mendacity and thuggery;
    (c) He willingly risks being vilified, even by members of his own party, for speaking what he believes to be true;
    (d) He has been attacked by the left, without buckling to their demands.

  3. You'd have test him well, as the Liberals are notorious for using singular politicians such as Bernardi to wag the tail of the dog, for votes. Hell if there was a traditionalist conservative party eating away the Liberal parties Christian base, I bet my bottom dollar that the infiltrate, divide, conquer and recruit would be on the board.

  4. Re: “Hell if there was a traditionalist conservative party eating away the Liberal parties Christian base, I bet my bottom dollar that the infiltrate, divide, conquer and recruit would be on the board

    … which is why we don’t want party hacks and ‘numbersmen’ attending our functions, why we are a specifically non-party-political group, and avoid being flag-wavers for any “conservative” party, large or small (see about).

    This does not mean that we won’t support good politicians, but we have not shied away from criticizing “conservatives” when criticism is due.

    Abbott has not escaped our judgment on, so far, two occasions (here and here). Nor have we been reluctant to lambast “conservative” third-forces when they do the familiar thing: taking their base for granted (here).

  5. Savvas,

    You're right that I don't expect much of Canberra politicians.

    Cory Bernardi stands out as one of the better ones for the reasons given by anon.

    Here's something else of interest about Cory Bernardi:

    When he was at university, it struck him that students on the left of politics were very active and quick to organise, while conservative students thought that it was enough to be quietly firm in their own convictions.

    He decided that this was how the left won and the right lost.

    I agree with him that conservative quietism is a real issue. I'd like future generations of conservatives to be razor sharp in understanding the importance of battling for institutions, for ideas and for culture - and for doing so as an organised movement.

  6. What is more interesting is the film being screened - it is good to see challenging material that isn't "establishment approved" being talked about.

  7. Saw this film "Agenda: Grinding America Down". It's very well made, and even if it does focus on the US, it has a lot to say about trends across the whole Western World - including Australia. Let's not forget that our own PM was once a senior member of the Socialist Forum. Here is the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH8LkIqu1c8

  8. This is very interesting. So sad i miss this. Is there a way were i can view or read the details on what happen to this meeting?- allianceforintegrity.com

  9. I'm not in Australia and my servers are not in the USA nor EU. Cory Bernardi can try suing me for defamation but I will publish what Fairfax have apparently failed to stand behind.

    Here's an ALEC document to be going on with - you need to go down a few pages to their list which clearly states Senator Bernardi as a 'Member'

  10. ALEC document:


  11. For those interested, the event was successfully hosted on 8 April 2013 and a brief report of what transpired can be found on our website. We do not have a recording of the speech, but parts of it are quoted in our report. If you would like to be put on a list of invitees for future events, you can contact us via our site’s “Contact” page.
