Saturday, April 08, 2023

A local flyer

I saw a flyer in my local area advertising meetings for "vulva-bodied beings". It turns out that the meetings are for local women to learn how to "serve their inner queen". The facilitator explains how she was motivated to organise these meetings as follows:

It took giving my body to yet another man, in the hopes of finding love, only to be thrown out like a dirty dish cloth for me to open my eyes and see it. I am not choosing love for myself. I am not protecting my heart.

I found this interesting because I have been reading the work of a sociologist, Eva Illouz, who believes that women are not being well-served by liberal modernity because the focus on autonomy means that women do not really get what they need from relationships with men.

However, the local workshops do not in any way resist liberal modernity, but double down on it. The facilitator goes on to write:

I went to the hairdressers that very morning, dyed my hair red, and then got a Self Love tattoo.

She tells women that she can,

open you to claiming the Queen within you, who knows she can have whatever they desire - right now.

So, she believes that women really can win the autonomy game and get to do and be and have whatever they wish. This is exactly what Eva Illouz questions in her writing, because in order to sustain a freedom to have whatever you desire you must forego any expectation of genuine commitment either from yourself or from others - hence women feeling like they are being "thrown out like a dirty dish cloth".

And what is it that women might desire? What she claims women want and need is "radical self-love," empowerment and pleasure. But if you read what she writes, it is the deprivation of genuine love that most affects her. 

Here she describes her moment of transfiguration:

It was 2am in a drunken Lisbon club, when I finally realised how deeply I was suffering. I was out with friends when the latest man I had decided to desperately convince to love me, came up to me and said he wanted to go home with the woman I'd anxiously watched him talking to. I ran out of the club into the cobbled streets of Lisbon and started to wail.

Of the man she writes:

I knew it wasn't him. He was the cherry on top of an enormous cake of self-abandonment, unworthiness, desperation and despair that I had been baking myself for years. With no skills to manage my ocean of emotions I was a princess without direction, with no one to guide me.

Now, I don't think we should be too sympathetic to any of this. She lived her life chasing hot guys in clubs and, predictably, was chosen only for one night stands, which did not give her what Eva Illouz calls "recognition". 

What I do think significant, though, is her admission that she was an "ocean of emotions" which she could not easily self-direct. I've heard women describe their inner state this way before, that it is like a sea of emotion that ebbs one way and another.

The real lesson here, I think, is that women aren't necessarily easily able to direct themselves to their true ends or purposes, at least not without the support of the surrounding culture. To give another example, she describes taking a vow not to have any more one night stands or to sleep with a partnered man - but then she met a hot Brazilian guy and, despite him having a girlfriend, had a one night stand with him. Her response to breaking her vow?:

I was reminded not to be so certain of who I am. Sometimes I don't do one night stands. Sometimes I do. I am ever evolving, ever changing.

She just doesn't have what it takes to follow a moral path, nor to act in a way that might deliver what she clearly wants, which is a committed relationship with a man. As she herself states earlier, she suffers from a lack of guidance, there being precious little of it within modern liberal culture.

I don't think it would be easy to make things different for her. She has little sense that some things in her nature need to be constrained in order for her to achieve the higher good of a committed, stable love. It would have helped her, no doubt, had her father been present in her life (she has written a short essay on the impact on her of paternal abandonment). But the larger problem is that she is living in a culture which says that you can choose to act in any way you like, as long as you don't interfere with others doing the same. As long as there is consent, then everything is moral.

And so she just acts on her impulse to chase the hot guy, and so she is used and rejected over and over. And she does not have it within her to really understand what is needed - if anything, she intensifies the liberal messaging to women by claiming that women can be queens who deserve to have whatever they desire and to have it immediately.

The social norms that once existed in society were there for a reason. So too was the emphasis on cultivating particular virtues and upholding within the culture a definite concept of the human good. Without any of this, many people will be unable to find their way forward.

I will follow up this post with a longer one outlining the ideas of Eva Illouz, who, despite professing to hold to modernist ideas, nonetheless recognises that they have had some seriously negative consequences when it comes to relationships.


  1. She doesn't have a goal. A real goal anyways. What is it other than feeling good or happy which she can't really define. If her goal was to sleep around, any woman and homosexual male can do that anytime. It's not special or unique. Does she even say the word husband or children? No. Modernism and liberalism are soulless and a death trap much like mouse utopia and the Italian, south korean and japanese tfr along with others are a testament to those garbage philosophies.

    1. Well said. It is a pity but there is something blocking her from realising the truth about her own being as a woman

  2. Women who can’t keep vows seem like perfect marriage material to me. I can’t figure out at all why she wouldn’t be able to get a man to commit to her when she’s such a catch.

    Less sarcastically, someone who could have whatever he wanted instantly would be God. Her grammar and command of English also leave something to be desired.

    1. Like I said elsewhere here, the only one she is trying to appeal to is the devil; desperately trying to “be like God” not because she wants to but because her new object of her obsession is the main prisoner of hell. In other words, she is a satanic “nun,” trying to teach techniques of satanically-inverted Mortification to her fellow satanically inverted “nuns.”

      Everything you could expect of a Medieval Nun, she does the exact opposite of with the exact opposite intent, but retains the fervor.

      Also Happy Easter, their time is short, ours is Eternal!

  3. Do you have a link to this demon-possessed girl’s site where you read all of this?

    Also, she was never doing more than doubling down on her satanic religion; what you see was just her advertising to help other women in the same situation also better cope with the troubles of their own satanism.

    In other words, you mistook her intent: she was never marketing to get out of the pain caused by satanism, as that would cause the girls she is trying to appeal to to vomit in horror and scream like demons about to be Exorcised. who of their unfaithful would want to be a non-heretic and therefore go against the anarchism of the satanic state religion? who of them would want to do ablasphemous things to hurt her pretend-“daddy” satan by accepting her real Father, God Himself? what said monster is doing is offering pain mitigation techniques so that fellow members of her coven can maintain or increase anti-faithfulness please to satan despite the increase in pain for those involved.

    To simplify: the goal is to teach techniques to help girls get DEEPER into the problem, which is claimed as a “solution” only in the sense that things are upside down here. girls these days are having trouble maintaining their anti-faithfulness within the coven with all the pain that membership to the coven causes them, so need those pain mitigation techniques to continue to show and increase their anti-virtue.

    If my description sounds like a silly cartoon where the characters are portrayed as evil by ironically seeking the exact inversion of what you should do (“what a bad night we are having!” “I know, isn’t it terrible?” and then they recoil in horror when the main character says something the right way around), that’s because demons must invert Reality and so do those who follow them. You are now living in that cartoon.

    Oddly enough, I wrote about this exact thing almost a year ago:

    And to better understand the reprobate mind:

  4. Conservatism: Society needs to be structured towards long-term goods, which often conflict with short-term goods and impulses, because it is a known human weakness to favor short term over long term.

    Liberalism, in every form from classical to woke, in various degrees: The worst thing in the world is to be denied the ability to pursue whatever you want, right now.

    How is the woman in this blog entry doing with respect to balancing long-term vs. short-term goods? With no conservative guard rails, she has only her short-term desires to guide her.

    Conservatives need to embrace the libertarian accusation of "paternalism" rather than reacting defensively against it. The proper response is that every sane society enforces some degree of paternalism, to protect long-term goods from their inevitable conflict with short-term desires, but the degree of paternalism is constrained by cultural traditions that evolved over centuries to protect certain other goods from paternalism run amok. Libertarians (like other ideologues) gravitate toward the slippery-slope arguments because they do not see how a tradition moderates a culture so that goods (e.g. individual rights, which require a limit to paternalism) are balanced against other goods (e.g. preventing people from destroying themselves and their families and the very institution of the family).

    1. Excellent! I think, unfortunately, some moderns do not see it this way, but blame residual standards and social norms for negative outcomes of following short term desires.
