Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Brief interruption

There's lots I want to post on but for a few days I won't be able to. More regular posting will resume Saturday. I won't be able to moderate comments until then, so I apologise if there's a delay in seeing your comment appear.


  1. You will find much to agree with here.


    [Every country] has to have military, technological and economic strength, but nevertheless the main thing that will determine success is the quality of citizens, the quality of society: their intellectual, spiritual and moral strength. After all, in the end economic growth, prosperity and geopolitical influence are all derived from societal conditions. They depend on whether the citizens of a given country consider themselves a nation, to what extent they identify with their own history, values ​​and traditions, and whether they are united by common goals and responsibilities. In this sense, the question of finding and strengthening national identity really is fundamental for Russia.
    The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.

    What else but the loss of the ability to self-reproduce could act as the greatest testimony of the moral crisis facing a human society? Today almost all developed nations are no longer able to reproduce themselves, even with the help of migration. Without the values ​​embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values​​. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.

    At the same time we see attempts to somehow revive a standardised model of a unipolar world and to blur the institutions of international law and national sovereignty. Such a unipolar, standardised world does not require sovereign states; it requires vassals. In a historical sense this amounts to a rejection of one’s own identity, of the God-given diversity of the world.
    However, it is clearly impossible to identify oneself only through one’s ethnicity or religion in such a large nation with a multi-ethnic population. In order to maintain the nation’s unity, people must develop a civic identity on the basis of shared values, a patriotic consciousness, civic responsibility and solidarity, respect for the law, and a sense of responsibility for their homeland’s fate, without losing touch with their ethnic or religious roots.

    1. JP, thanks for the link. It's very interesting. Putin is so much better than Western leaders, but even so it may not be good enough. If the non-Russian populations continue to migrate to the Russian area, then the end result will be similar to here.

    2. In Russia, the non Russian populations are essentially treated as second class citizens, despite Putin's lofty talk. There are no blond blue eyed Khazar Muslims in positions of power in Russia. Without equal rights and opportunities, immigrant populations cannot achieve very much power and are therefore easily evicted. And so Russia will not become like the West.

    3. Anon, maybe. But from what I've read there is a lot of immigration from the Muslim south into the ethnically Russian areas.

    4. Yes but the point that I made was that without power or wealth there is little they can achieve except slave labour like jobs. There are none in important positions.

  2. If you liked Jackie Evancho you will like this kid too ...
    Holland's Got Talent 2013 - Amira Willighagen

    1. Michael, thanks for sending me the link. Again, incredibly good for her age.

  3. "Our moral responsibility is always to this person who is more other than us, rather than same as us." Source: VDare.
