Thursday, April 01, 2010

New readership record

I'm happy to report that visitor numbers for this site continue to grow month by month, with March setting a new record. Visits are up 250% on this time last year. There's still progress to be made, but the trend is encouraging.

I'd like to thank readers for their support. I do appreciate the comments, even if I don't always have time to respond, as they do contribute much to the site.


  1. Mark, this blog is excellent.
    Cheers from Lee, one of your newer visitors.

  2. ing and the word needs to be spread. You are about the only voice of real Australian conservatism out there on the web, this needs to change.

  3. Congrats! And a little more grist for your mill...

    Second to last sentence.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not an Aussie, but the importance of the work of people such as yourself knows no borders.

    BTW, is there no way to edit comments? I keep making small grammatical errors.

  6. Blogger doesn't have that, unfortunately.

    Congrats on the increased readership, Mark.

  7. Mr. Richardson,

    I am always curious as to why you and other Western traditionalists like Mr. Auster don't monetize your blogs?

    I assume you are a Capitalist and so are not against this possibility?

    Is there a reason that you don't monetize the blog?

  8. Again, thanks for the encouragement.

    Thordaddy, I'm not against it in principle. I don't think I'd generate enough revenue at present to make it worthwhile.

    Jonathan Wolfe, it's a pity that you can't edit your own comments using blogger. I know you can do that now using some platforms.

  9. The Man,

    I've thought of posting on the Jesse James story, but probably won't.

    It follows an all too familiar pattern, doesn't it? Our heroine chooses the so-called alpha male type, the heavily tattooed guy who runs a motorbike shop, who has previously been married twice, once to a porn star, and she thinks she has tamed him, but surprise surprise it turns out that she hasn't really.

    The really striking thing is that Sandra Bullock comes across as an intelligent, middle-class kind of woman. Once upon a time, the rules of social propriety would have ruled out Jesse James as a suitor for such a woman, but there are no longer such restraints, so the flaws in human nature operate with little opposition.

    I guess we're seeing now that there were reasons for social propriety, it wasn't just "hypocritical bourgeois morality" as the radicals liked to claim.

  10. Love your blog, Mark. Been a reader for a couple of years.

    Not directly related to your blog, except that it shows how conservative I am, but gotta get this one off my chest, somehow.

    Walking the dogs yesterday, and coming towards me was a - seemingly perfectly normal - middle-aged man with his two kids, around 5 and 11. And the man's tshirt read "F* off" (in full!). Normally I say hello to whoever I pass when walking the dogs, but there was no way I was going to make any kind of eye contact with this bloke or his kids.

  11. Techapilla, thanks.

    You have to wonder what goes through some people's minds. Worse that he has kids.

  12. Hi Mark, congratulations for you great blog
    I'm a brazilian blogger, and i translated your post "The Silent Apartment" to Portuguese.
    If interest reviews conservatives outside Anglo-Saxon world, I suggest the page of the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, in english:

  13. if interest see it also:
    thnks and sorry if i'm spamming.

  14. "I'm a brazilian blogger, and i translated your post "The Silent Apartment" to Portuguese."

    That's awesome, I liked that one.

  15. Shamtia,

    Thanks for making the translation. You're more than welcome to stop by and make comments here.
