Thursday, November 17, 2016

The European refugee situation

I don't think this will surprise anyone but a study by "Doctors of the World" has found that only 13% of the refugees who have entered Europe are fleeing from war. The majority had arrived for economic reasons.

Nor will it come as a surprise that an Arabic translator, who is Christian but who was assumed to be Muslim by those in the refugee centres, found that amongst themselves those working and living in the refugee centres were hostile to the host society. The translator reported that,
“Some women told me ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here”, she recalls.

It is more evidence that the refugee system needs to be reformed. These problems would not arise if refugees were resettled in countries with similar economic conditions and cultural/religious backgrounds. If there were no economic benefit to claiming asylum, then there would be no incentive for economic migrants to claim to be refugees. And if asylum seekers were resettled in countries with the most similar ethnicity, then there would no longer be a problem of assimilation (e.g. the issue of Muslims wanting to displace Christians would not arise).


  1. Arab countries dont want or take refugees...they are considered losers and a burden.

    1. Arab countries dont want or take refugees...they are considered losers and a burden.

      It might be possible to offer them very generous cash incentives. When you consider the enormous financial costs of resettling refugees in western countries it would be cheaper to pay other Arab countries to take them.

      Mind you Arab countries are probably wise not to want refugees. Why would a peaceful stable Arab country want to risk importing an enormous social problem that could threaten that peace and stability? The Arabs are smarter than westerners.

      The only real answer is to restore stability to the refugees' own countries so they can be resettled in their own homes. That would have the added advantage that it would be much more difficult for economic "refugees" to pretend to be genuine refugees.

      Of course this would require the West to start adopting sane foreign policies. That isn't going to happen. Western nations haven't had sane foreign policies since the days of Bismarck.

  2. Hi Mark

    No surprises at all. Of all the ways for a people to be destroyed; after losing two world wars, surviving Napoleon and Rome, the 30 year war and the Plague, Germany is inviting in its own destruction. If there were a Darwin Award for a country they'd win, maybe Sweden.

    Is it naive to hope that after a few year's living in a superior country with less war, better schools, first rate medical services and better opportunities for happiness that second generation immigrants might be won over? England has been invaded many times but they still speak the Queen's English. My point is that we seem to think that a Molenbeek must form where ever middle eastern refugees go, but perhaps their culture will bend and cave, not ours? Admittedly this is unlikely while the SJW's abound but I hope we don't only focus on border protection as thought any culture war must end in The West losing. Celebrating the culture we have is just as, and maybe more, important

    1. "My point is that we seem to think that a Molenbeek must form where ever middle eastern refugees go, but perhaps their culture will bend and cave, not ours?"

      What is it the West has to offer them (apart from benefits)? Liberalism?

    2. "Germany is inviting in its own destruction. If there were a Darwin Award for a country they'd win, maybe Sweden."

      "England has been invaded many times but they still speak the Queen's English"

      Looking only at headlines for the past 1-2 years, it does seem that Germany and Sweden are ahead in the great western suicide race. But if you visit Berlin, Stockholm and London, it is a different story. Of these 3 cities, London feels clearly more "vibrant" than the others.

      To some extent, it can be argued that Sweden and Germany has just been playing catch up with places like the UK and France, that had big third word inflows long ago.

      This is not to defend Germany or Sweden for their recent actions and policies. It has been madness! But the populations are also now very awake and real, hard opposition is growing rapidly. In the UK, there is not even a proper anti-immigration party to vote for and many of the prominent Brexit supporters argued for more third world immigration.

      Furthermore, I am very hopeful about president Trump but he will really have to deliver if the US is going to stay as a white country. As it is, large parts of the US already feels like the third world, more so than anything in Europe.

      My view is that white, western people have to come together and support each other. We already failed big time with South Africa. Now we must try to stand up for each other. The liberals and SJWs are the same type of people everywhere and they support each other in their apocalyptic project. Traditionalists and nationalists need to do the same. We need some form of global "white lives matter".

    3. What is it the West has to offer them (apart from benefits)? Liberalism?

      Precisely. They despise everything about the West apart from our money. And they are right to do so. Our civilisation is too degenerate and too corrupted to have any real appeal to anybody. What on earth is there to admire about the modern West? The fact that we lead the world in transexual bathroom rights?

      The West is rotting from within and cannot survive without a cultural reformation. That isn't going to happen unless things get very very bad, much worse than they are now.

      Of course the SJWs believe that in a generation or two Muslim immigrants will become just as alienated, atheistic, hedonistic, shallow and degenerate as the rest of western society. I think they're making a fatal miscalculation there. The one thing that is certain is that the long-term future of Europe will be very very unpleasant for SJWs.
