Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Weaponised politics

There is a website called Everyday Feminism that has about 5 million monthly visitors. Below is a screenshot of a recent homepage of the site:

You'll notice that the focus of the website is an animosity to white people. There is an offer of "healing from toxic whiteness training," a "reality check for your typical white men aren't the enemy objection," a "let's expose the white double standard" story, and a "white privilege explained in one simple comic" piece.

There are two ways of looking at all this. The first is to explain the politics behind it all. This can be done. If you are a liberal and you believe that equality is the natural state of affairs, and you then need to explain why racial outcomes are different, one option is to believe that one group has set itself up as a false racial category ("whiteness") to exploit other groups in order to maintain an unearned privilege. The point of politics is then to deconstruct whiteness so that the era of full human equality is finally ushered in. Hence, the unrelenting attacks on white people on the feminist website.

However, I think it's true as well that politics can be weaponised. By this I mean that it is not just a case of pursuing abstract political principles and attempting to apply them logically and justly, but instead a means (a weapon) in pursuing group interests.

Politics today is being ominously weaponised against white people. The issue then becomes whether white people remain caught within a politics that aims to do them harm, or whether they see through the surface claims of a weaponised politics to the animosity and the malevolence underlying it.


  1. It would be fascinating to find out who actually runs this site. I'm suspecting it's run by very very privileged white women (probably most Jewish women) who live in wealthy urban neighbourhoods that are almost 100 percent white.

    1. I also wondered who backed the site. They claim to be funded solely from ad revenue. They have 6 full-time and 3 part-time staff with the following characteristics:

      "78% are of color. Only two people who work for Everyday Feminism – myself included – are white.
      •Two-thirds identify as trans or gender non-conforming.
      •Half are somewhere along the asexual or aromantic spectrums.
      •Over three-quarters openly live with one or more physical, psychological, or learning disabilities.
      •One identifies as fat.
      •Everyone is queer."

      So by their own admission they are coloured, mentally and psychologically disabled, asexual, queer transsexuals who hate white people.

      In a sane society they would be ignored, but in ours they have become a leading feminist website.

      I would still be interested in knowing where the money came from to get the site started, but this is unknown.

    2. One identifies as fat???

      There is such dishonest and word manipulation in that statement as to beggar the imagination.

      The beginning of wisdom is too use words honestly. And that is the most striking dishonesty. PRetending that words make up for truth

    3. I would still be interested in knowing where the money came from to get the site started, but this is unknown.

      I'm sure the people providing the money are not fat queer trans people of colour! I'm still going with my initial guess, that they're bankrolled by rich white and/or Jewish women.

  2. Everyday Feminism is the gift that keeps on giving to blogger David Thompson. You can find numerous articles about the site and its authors at

    1. David Thompson does an excellent job at his website - highly recommended.

    2. I had a look at the page you linked to. David Thompson has found one of the nuttiest feminist articles ever, and it's not from Everyday Feminism:

  3. I think its simple. Im a stright white Christian male. Leftists....ALL leftists, *hate my guts* because of that. I react accordingly.

    1. I agree - it is that simple, and there is some hope, I think, that increasing numbers of whites will come to see this.

  4. This kind of material of "weaponised politics" is propaganda. There is no profit involved in the running of this type of website and substantial expenses for the staff and writers plus minimal advertising revenue so the owner and financier has deep pockets. Most likely Government/ intelligence agency. Few individuals would use personal money for no return.

    The media is saturated with propaganda but the majority of the population cannot recognise it as such due to their pre- existing significant detachment from reality and narcissistic self absorption.

    1. You have to wonder This kind of completely insane feminist hate propaganda seems like it would be counter-productive. But then on further thought it makes perfect sense. The purpose of the ultra-crazy stuff like this is to make the slightly-less-crazy positions of mainstream feminism seem reasonable.

      Could be a government/ intel agency but there are plenty of corporations willing to finance this sort of thing.

    2. No corporation will finance this type of website. Its not commercially viable and the financial losses cannot be justified to shareholders.

    3. No corporation will finance this type of website. Its not commercially viable and the financial losses cannot be justified to shareholders.

      Corporations cheerfully finance newspapers which lose money hand over fist. They think the losses are a small price to pay for the influence. The losses incurred by a website like this would be small change in comparison.

      But it's more likely this site is bankrolled by someone like Soros.

  5. A millionaire black athlete with adoring fans is considered oppressed compared to a disabled, homeless elderly white man.

    It is socially acceptable for the former to mock, abuse, rob or kill the latter.

    The Bible says woe into them that call evil good and good evil.
